Collective of the department


KRAN Oleksandra Serhiivna

KRAN Oleksandra Serhiivna – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.


MARTYNYUK Tetyana Vitaliivna

MARTYNYUK Tetyana Vitaliivna – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.


PETROVSKA Lyudmyla Stanislavivna

PETROVSKA Lyudmyla Stanislavivna – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.




BASHURA Oleksandr Hennadiiovych

BASHURA Oleksandr Hennadiiovych – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.


KRAN Oleksandra Serhiivna

KRAN Oleksandra Serhiivna – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.


MARTYNYUK Tetyana Vitaliivna

MARTYNYUK Tetyana Vitaliivna – Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.


PETROVSKA Lyudmyla Stanislavivna

PETROVSKA Lyudmyla Stanislavivna – Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Cosmetology and Aromology of the National University of Pharmacy.




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